Techirghiol 2024
Description of the resort Techirghiol
Techirghiol is located at 16 kilometers from Constanta, near Eforie Nord on Lake Techirghiol shore. In administrative terms, Techirghiol is a town which has a total number of 7000 residents. Techirghiol is one of many balneoclimateric resorts with national and international reputation, due to the lake's healing properties. Salty water and full of minerals, sapropelic mud extracted from it's deep waters are very successfully used for rheumatism, anemia, rickets, spondylosis, hypothyroidism and other neurological disorders, skin or endocrine treatments. HISTORY First documentary item mentions Techirghiol is dating back to the mid 16th century when Dobrogea was under Ottom
Description Techirghiol