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Pay for your stay at the sea with Holiday Vouchers!
Use your holiday vouchers today to book your perfect stay on
Vacation vouchers are a benefit granted by the employer, through which employees can buy exclusive tourist services in Romania - accommodation, transport or meals.
To help you save your vacation funds, we offer you the opportunity to pay for your stay on the Romanian coast with the vacation card from all major suppliers! But more besides that, you pay exactly the same price!
The only condition for using the holiday card is that the tourist package you choose to include accommodation services. So, what are you waiting for? Request an offer at +40241 999 , or book your own stay.
Pay with holiday vouchers booking at any hotel!
Mamaia Nord Hotels
Eforie Nord Hotels
Eforie Sud Hotels
Costinesti Hotels
Neptun-Olimp Hotels

Why to pay with holiday card? It's fast, easy and beneficial
0 RON from your own funds when you pay in full with holiday vouchers
Over 300 hotels , villas and guesthouses at your disposal

Same price as when you pay by cash or bank card
We accept holiday vouchers from all major suppliers
You can also have access to holiday vouchers as an employee of a private company

Frequent questions:
1. What can I pay with holiday cards?
Any tourist package in Romania, provided that that tourist package must also contain accommodation services, regardless of what other services you choose.
Orice pachet turistic din Romania, cu conditia ca acel pachet turistic trebuie sa contina si servicii de cazare, indiferent de ce alte servicii alegi.
2. For which accommodation units on is payment accepted with holiday card?
Absolutely everything, as long as you make your reservation with us! In order to guarantee exactly the stay you want, we offer you the opportunity to pay with holiday vouchers regardless of the hotel, pension, or hotel apartment you choose!
Absolut toate, atata timp cat iti faci rezervarea cu noi! Pentru a-ti garanta exact sejurul pe care ti-l doresti, iti oferim oportunitatea sa platesti cu vouchere de vacanta indiferent de hotelul, pensiunea, sau apartamentul in regim hotelier pe care-l alegi!
3. How do I make the payment itself?
Once you have chosen your ideal hotel or guesthouse, just fill out the reservation form. Then, you will be contacted by a specialist of ours.
Dupa ce ti-ai ales hotelul sau pensiunea ideala trebuie doar sa completezi formularul de rezervare. Apoi, vei fii contactat de catre un specialist de-al nostru.
4. Are there price differences between the package paid with holiday card and the one paid in other ways?
Here we come to the best part! No matter how you choose to pay for your stay at sea, the price remains the same.
Aici ajungem la cea mai buna parte! Indiferent de cum alegi sa-ti platesti sejurul la mare, pretul ramane acelasi.
5. What happens if I can't pay the full amount of accommodation with holiday card?
If the value of the holiday vouchers / amount on the holiday card is less than the value of the reservation, then you can pay the difference in one of the following ways:

Cash deposit at any branch of Banca Transilvania or Unicredit
Online with debit / credit card

Cash payment by Pay Point
By bank transfer to the accounts stipulated in the proforma invoice
Online with the card in installments from the following banks: Banca Transilvania, Credit Europe Bank, Alpha Bank, BRD, Garanti Bank. (additional information can be found on our payment page in installments)
Daca valoarea voucherelor de vacanta / suma de pe cardul de vacanta este mai mica decat valoarea rezervarii, atunci poti achita diferenta printr-una din modalitatile de mai jos: \n Depunere de numerar la orice sucursala a Bancii Transilvania sau Unicredit \n Plata numerar prin Pay Point \n Online cu cardul de debit/credit \n Prin transfer bancar in conturile stipulate in factura proforma \n Online cu cardul in rate de la urmatoarele banci : Banca Transilvania, Credit Europe Bank, BCR, Alpha Bank, BRD, Garanti Bank. (informatii suplimentare gasesti pe pagina noastra de plata in rate) \n
6. Does the holiday card expire?
Vouchers have a validity period of one year from the date of issue. This term is valid for all types of holiday vouchers. In the case of cards, you can use the amount within one year from the date of its loading.
Voucherele au o perioada de valabilitate de un an de la data emiterii. Acest termen este valabil pentru toate tipurile de vouchere de vacanta. In cazul cardurilor, poti folosi suma in termen de un an de la data incarcarii acesteia.
7. What happens if I want to cancel the reservation?
In case of cancellation of a reservation paid with holiday vouchers / holiday card, please consult the terms present in the contract with the tourist. Once used, this amount cannot be refunded; also, the equivalent value cannot be requested, according to the legislation in force.
In cazul anularii unei rezervari achitate cu vouchere de vacanta / card de vacanta, te rugam sa consulti termenii prezenti in contractul cu turistul. Odata utilizata, aceasta suma nu poate fi restituita; de asemenea, nu se poate solicita contravaloarea, conform legislatiei in vigoare.
Carefree holidays
in 6 free interest rates
Litoralul Romanesc have an average of
8.9 from 10 points