Seaside offers 2025, the best accommodation offers on the Romanian Seaside

Special offers seaside 2025

See all special offers on Litoralul Romanesc 2025

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Seaside offers, hotels, villas and pensions accommodation. Romanian Seaside Offers

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Oferta Extra Discount

Oferta Extra Discount va propune reduceri suplimentare de tarif aplicabile altor oferte speciale

There are 14 accommodation units participating in the offer

Inscrieri Timpurii 2025

Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii Litoral Romania ( Early Booking) asigura reduceri substantiale

There are 240 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Extrasezon

Oferta Extrasezon - oferta destinata turistilor ce doresc sa petreaca cateva

There are 28 accommodation units participating in the offer

Litoralul Pentru Toti

Litoralul Pentru Toti este un program destinat turistilor care doresc sa-si petreaca sejurul la

There are 10 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Speciala

Ofertele speciale cuprind oferte de cazare avantajoase lansate de hotelieri in ideea cresterii

There are 55 accommodation units participating in the offer

1 Mai

Oferta 1 Mai pe litoral este deja traditie, si fie ca vrei distractie, fie ca vrei odihna, de 1 Mai

There are 52 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Rusalii

Oferta Rusalii Litoral ofera posibilitatea petrecerii mini-vacantei de Rusalii la malul marii, la

There are 150 accommodation units participating in the offer


Oferta Paste Litoral include pachete turistice de doua sau mai multe nopti de cazare, completate de

There are 19 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Festival Beach Please 2025

Oferta de cazare pentru Beach Please cuprinde hoteluri situate in Costinesti si alte statiuni

There are 33 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferte cu tratament

Oferta cu Tratament ofera posibilitatea urmarii unor proceduri de relaxare, intretinere sau balneo

There are 10 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Festival NEVERSEA

Oferta de cazare pentru Neversea cuprinde hoteluri situate in Mamaia si Constanta, la o distanta

There are 2 accommodation units participating in the offer
There are 3 accommodation units participating in the offer

Zile Gratuite de Vacanta

Oferta Zile Gratuite de Vacanta presupune oferirea de catre hotel a unei zile de cazare gratuite la

There are 14 accommodation units participating in the offer

1 Iunie

Oferta 1 Iunie la Mare - Sarbatoarea copiilor cat si a primei zile de vara. O binemeritata

There are 6 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferte Last Minute

Oferta Last Minute aduna toate ofertele cu tarif redus pentru sejururile care se vor desfasura

There are 0 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Weekend

Oferta Weekend se refera la pachete turistice de doua sau trei nopti desfasurate in weekend si

There are 1 accommodation units participating in the offer

Late Summer

Oferta Late Summer este lansata de agentia noastra de turism pentru impulsionarea vanzarilor

There are 0 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Mare pentru cei mici

Oferta "Mare pentru cei mici" este o oferta speciala initiata de, in

There are 0 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Seniori

Oferta Seniori se adreseaza persoanelor cu varsta minima de 55 ani si ofera posibilitatea acestora

There are 0 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Verii

Oferta Verii aduna toate ofertele cu tarif redus.  Daca doriti sa beneficiati de Oferta

There are 0 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Happy Week

Oferta Happy Week va propune reduceri suplimentare de tarif aplicabile altor oferte speciale

There are 0 accommodation units participating in the offer


Oferta Craciun propune vacante de doua, trei sau patru nopti pe litoral, pentru cei care vor sa

There are 1 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Extra Weekend

Oferta Extra Weekend se refera la promovarea unor tarife reduse pentru sejururile desfasurate in

There are 0 accommodation units participating in the offer

Start Summer

Oferta Start Summer este lansata de agentia noastra de turism pentru impulsionarea vanzarilor

There are 0 accommodation units participating in the offer


Oferta Revelion Litoral va ofera ineditul – si anume posibilitatea de a vedea marea in timpul

There are 0 accommodation units participating in the offer

Tabere scolare si banchet

Tabere Scolare Litoral sunt pachete turistice pentru grupurile de copii mai mari sau mai mici si

There are 0 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Festival SUNWAVES

Oferta de cazare pentru SUNWAVES cuprinde hoteluri situate in statiunile Olimp si Neptun, la o

There are 0 accommodation units participating in the offer

Oferta Black Friday 2025

Oferta Black Friday inseamna CELE MAI MARI REDUCERI DIN AN! Discount-urile sunt valabile in

There are 0 accommodation units participating in the offer

About Litoralul Tour Operator Agency

Find out what you find on our website

The website litoralulRomanesc is the largest website specialized in seaside tourism, with accommodation offers in all local resorts on the Black Sea. The site promotes holiday offers in over 500 accommodation structures, from one-star to five-star units, in: Navodari, Mamaia Nord, Mamaia, Constanta, Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Costinesti, Neptun, Olimp, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mangalia, 2 Mai, Vama Veche.

The site is operated by Litoralul organizing agency, licensed since 2005, holds Tourism License no. 536, issued by the Ministry of Tourism.

Agency Litoralul is one of the largest agencies specialized in seaside tourism. In the 2024 summer season, over 270,000 tourists chose our services.

To find seaside accommodation offers, access the sections dedicated to each resort or use the search engine. To see all the updated offers, click on the following link: offers 2025. f you want to get in touch with our operators by phone, call the number: 0241 999 (normal rate number).

Agentia Litoralul Romanesc accepta vouchere de vacanta pentru toate hotelurile prezente pe site-ul