Jurilovca 2026
Description of the resort Jurilovca
Description Jurilovca.
Description Jurilovca.
Description JurilovcaNews from Jurilovca
Find the latest information on seaside events
We have appointed 105 winners of the Romanian Coast raffle!
LitoralulRomanesc te rasplateste: am desemnat 105 castigatori ai campaniei Pentru a VI-a ediție, Litoralulromanesc.ro premiaza si anul acesta fidelitatea turistilor...
We have appointed 106 winners of the Romanian Coast raffle!
Tombola Litoralul Romanesc te rasplateste: am desemnat 106 castigatori ai campaniei Campania Litoralulromanesc.ro premiaza si anul acesta fidelitatea turistilor care si-au petrecut...
Find out what sights you can visit in Jurilovca and surroundings
The Genoese Lightshouse
The Genovese Lighthouse is a monument that can be easily unnoticed, but the beauty and importance to the history of Constanta are undeniable. The Genovese Lighthouse is located on the...
Aqua Magic Mamaia
The water park AQUA MAGIC is placed at the southern entrance of Mamaia resort, close to Telegondola station. The access in the water park is not made via the main boulevard of the resort,...
The Roman Mosaic Edifice
The Roman Mosaic Edifice is located near the Museum of National History and Archaeology and was discovered in 1959 during some civil works undertaken in the Ovidiu Square. Further research...
The Art Museum
Located in downtown, at the intersection of Tomis and Ferdinand avenues, the Art Museum is an institution that impresses with the artistic values that it holds. Known as the second...
The Touristic Harbor Mangalia
The Touristic Harbor of Mangalia is the modern romanian harbor for small vessels whish sales along the Black Sea coast. The harbor was arranged during 2006-2008 with European...
The Callatis Archeological Museum
The CALLATIS Archaeological Museum from Mangalia is an institution dedicated to showcasing and preserving historic remains of the old Callatis stronghold. The museum was inaugurated...
The Fantasio Theatre
The Fantasio Theatre is one of the senior cultural institutions of the city and is located on the Ferdinand Boulevard, near the Archaeological Park and the City Hall. Founded on the...
Ion Jalea Sculpture Museum
The Sculpture Museum Ion Jalea is located in the historical area of the city, at the end Elizabeth Avenue, a few steps from St. Peter and Paul Cathedral. The Institute is housed in...
The Statue of Ovid
The Statue of the latin writer, Ovid was executed by the Italian sculptor Ettore Ferrie in 1887 as a tribute to the writer who has lived the last years of his life in exile in Tomis....
The Statue of Mihai Eminescu
The Statue of Mihai Eminescu was executed skillfully in the early '30s by the sculptor Oscar Han. The monument is located near the sea, on the Caino's seafront, thus fulfilling...
The Folk Art Museum of Constanta
The Folk Art Museum is located in the historic area of Constanta on the intersection of Tomis Boulevard with Traian Street. The museum is hosted by a building with great significance...
The Marine Museum Mangalia
The Marine Museum of Mangalia was built in 2004 in one of the buildings of the disused barracks. The Institute is conceived as a museum dedicated to naval technology and highlights...
This is the page dedicated to the resort Jurilovca. To find an accommodation offer in Jurilovca go to the section Hotels Jurilovca. For assistance, additional information and reservations you can contact us by phone at: 0241 999 or you can consult our Client Support Team.
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