Violeta hotel 2** Jupiter is located at the center of the resort, in close vecinity to Iris and Nalba hotels, 200 meters from the beach. The hotel is small, structured on 2 storeys, renovated and ... Continue reading
central part of he resort, 200 meters from the beach, 23 Gala Gallaction str. See the map
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Description Violeta hotel
Violeta hotel 2** Jupiter is located at the center of the resort, in close vecinity to Iris and Nalba hotels, 200 meters from the beach. The hotel is small, structured on 2 storeys, renovated and reclassified in 2019.
Violeta hotel welcomes its guests with modern interiors, with rooms featuring air conditioning, LCD tv, minibar, telephone, wi fi, bathroom. Rooms on the ground floor are set with balcony, while the ones upstairs boast French balconies.
Aside from the accommodation spaces, the hotel provides a restaurant with Romanian menu, a self service, a terrace, as well as a garden with flowers and ornamental plants.
Parking is free, upon availability.
Did you know that for reservations at Hotel Violeta Jupiter you can receive a credit equivalent to 2% of the reservation value if you make the reservation logged into your account on the website?
Hotel facilities
Double rooms
Restaurant with Romanian menu
Self service
Luggage room
Safe in reception
Wireless internet
Private parking - free, upon availabilty
Room facilities
Double rooms are set with matrimoial bed or 2 twin beds, with air conditioning, LCD tv, minibar, telephone, wi fi, bathroom. At the ground floor, rooms have balcony, while upstairs, they feature French balconies.
Repartition takes places at reception, upon availability, at check in.
Studios are larger in surface, they have the same amenities as the double room, but are set with matrimonial bed and an expandable armchair.
Other specificatios
Check-in: 15:00Check-out: 11:00
For this hotel you need to pay a city tax at reception worth 5 lei /adult/day
Breakfast is served in buffet style for a minimum of 30 guests.
Small breed pets are allowed, for an extra charge of 10 euros/day at the BNR excharge course of that day (paid in reception).
Standard accommodation rates for summer - 2025
Oferta poate fi vizualizata selectand datele sejurului in calculatorul de mai sus.
Mic dejun (bufet suedez)
Mesele se vor servi sub forma de bufet suedez pentru minim 30 de persoane, pentru mai putin de 30 de persoane va fi in sistem a la carte.
Facilitati copii:
- 2 adulti si 1 sau 2 copii 0-4.99 ani beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si mic dejun, fara pat suplimentar.
-2 adulti si 1 copil 5-11.99 ani, copilul beneficiza de gratuitate la cazare, fara pat suplimentar. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa se achita dupa cum urmeaza: mic dejun 15 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 12-17.99 ani, copilul beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare, fara pat suplimentar. In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa se achita dupa cum urmeaza: mic dejun 30 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-4.99 ani, 1 copil 5-11.99 ani), primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si mic dejun, al 2-lea copil achita 50 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar, iar In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa se achita dupa cum urmeaza: mic dejun 15 lei/zi
- 2 adulti si 2 copii, primul copil 5-11.99 ani si al 2-lea copil 12-17.99 ani, primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare, fara pat suplimentar si achita in cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa dupa cum urmeaza: mic dejun 15 lei/zi. al 2-lea copil achita 50 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar, iar In cazul tarifelor cu servicii de masa se achita dupa cum urmeaza: mic dejun 30 lei/zi.
Capacitate maxima camera dubla/garsoniera: 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-11.99 ani, 1 copil 0-17.99 ani).
Book online Violeta Hotel Jupiter
To make a hotel rezervation at Violeta Hotel Jupiter please fill in the form below contact information
Frequent questions for Violeta Hotel Jupiter
- Matrimonial double room
- Matrimonial double room with balcony at the ground floor
- Twin double room
- Twin double room with balcony, at the ground floor
- Studio
We know how important the details and photos of a hotel are in making the decision to book a vacation. That is why we strive to provide you with the most detailed descriptions of the accommodation units that we promote on our website and we rely on our hotel partners to provide correct and relevant information. However, the information presented may undergo further changes depending on the evolutions and activities of the hotels. Therefore, we reserve the right to make the necessary updates whenever the situation requires it.
Jupiter accommodation
Jupiter Hotels - accommodation offers for Jupiter hotels
Location HotelJupiter
central part of he resort, 200 meters from the beach
23 Gala Gallaction str.
100m-500m fata de plaja