This hotel is included in the FREE CANCELLATION program - see conditions
For bookings at Hotel Tismana we accept payment with holiday vouchers/tickets
Tismana All Inclusive complex 3*** Jupiter was the first complex to ever offer All inclusive services to its tourists, it is a brand hotel standing out through its Mediteranean architecture with arche ... Continue reading
northern part of the resort, 250 meters from the beach, Gala Gallaction str See the map
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Description Tismana hotel
Tismana All Inclusive complex 3*** Jupiter was the first complex to ever offer All inclusive services to its tourists, it is a brand hotel standing out through its Mediteranean architecture with arches and room entries inspired from Tismana Monastery in Gorj. The complex is located in the northern part of Jupiter resort, on the Tismana lake shore, a few minutes walk form the beach.
It consists of 5 wings on two storeys, surrounded by lush interiour gardens, artesian fountains and shaded alleys, the perfect place to unwind and relax.
The accommodation spaces are furnished and fitted with modern amenities, having TV, air conditioning, wi fi, minibar, they are decorated in pleasant shades replicating the outside rich gardens.
Tismana complex provides pools for adults and children, set with umbrellas and sun beds, outdoor children's playgrounds, volley court, minifootball court and ping pong tables.
Private parking is offered for free, upon availability.
Did you know that for reservations at Hotel Tismana Jupiter you can receive a credit equivalent to 2% of the reservation value if you make the reservation logged into your account on the website?
Hotel facilities
235 accommodation spaces (double, triple rooms and apartments)
Luggage room
Baby cot - on request, upon availability
Wireless internet
Billiards, chess, rummy, backgammon
Voley and minifootball courts
Ping pong tables
Gardens anc chapel
Pool for adults and children
Kids playground - outdoor
Conference rooms
Parking -free, upon availability
Room facilities
All the double rooms 3*** have matrimonial bed or 2 twin beds, tv with cable, wi fi, minibar, bathroom with shower, air conditioning. Some rooms have balcony. Likewise, some rooms overlook the lake. An extra bed can be added. Approximate surface 15 sqm.
Superiour double rooms 3*** are set with a matrimonial bed and balcony and don't allow an extra bed. They have the same amenities as the double room, but they were renovated in 2022. Approximate surface 15 sqm.
The triple rooms 3*** are set with a matrimonial bed and an extra single bed, all the amenities are the same as the double rooms. They can be fitted with balcony. Surface 18 sqm.
The apartments 3*** are set with a matrimonial bedroom, a living room with expandable sofa or matrimonial bed, TV, internet, air conditioning, safe and minibar, bathroom with shower cabin. They can be fitted with balcony. There is no separating door between rooms. Surface 30 sqm.
Room repartition takes place at check in, in reception, upon availability.
Other specificatios
Check-in: 16:00Check-out: 12:00
For this hotel you need to pay a city tax at reception worth 5 lei /adult/day
Services included in the All Inclusive pack:
- pool for adults and children, umbrellas and sun beds within the availability limit (allotments are carried out in order of arrival)
- free parking upon availability, outdoor kids playground, activities for children, live music, artistic programe in the evening, dance classes, ping pong, rummy, chess, backgammon, billiards, wi fi, baby cot on request upon availability.
- volley court, mini football court, safe, luggage room, ping pong tables.
- 50% discount for Paradis Land Neptun and 50% discount for the beach
All inclusive meal services (buffet system, offered by the restaurant)
- Breakfast 07.30-09.30;
- Lunch 12.30-14.00;
- Dinner 19:00-21:00
Drinks included: mineral and still water, coffee, soft drinks offered in the restaurant or on the restaurant terrace, between 07.30-21.00, House wine and draught beer at the restaurant or on the restaurant terrace between 10.30-21.00, liquour, vermuth, vodka, brandy offered in the restaurant during lunch (12.30-14.00) and dinner (19.00-21.00). Drinks included are not bottled.
Services in the check in day start with dinner at 19.00-21.00.
At check in, a bracelet will be handed over, offering access at the resort facilities in the All inclusive pack.
Pets are not allowed.
Tismana Hotel Jupiter - 2025 SPECIAL OFFERS
Special Offer: Early Booking 2025 Jupiter
Offer expires in days
- pana la 31.01.2025. Oferta Inscrieri timpurii implica plata dupa cum urmeaza:
- Avans 1 - 30% in 3 zile de la efectuarea rezervarii
- Avans 2 - 40% pana la 01.04.2025
- Diferenta pana la 30.04.2025.
Oferta este valabila pentru sejururi de minim 3 nopti, iar discount-ul este deja aplicat.
Rezervarile efectuate cu Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii nu pot fi modificate sau anulate decat cu pierderea integrala a sumelor achitate in avans. Oferta este valabila in limita disponibilitatii.
Opteaza pentru anulare gratuita cu asigurarea storno. Vezi mai multe detalii
Tarife de cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2025 - Oferta Inscrieri timpurii 31.01.2025 | ||||
Perioada | Camera dubla fara balcon |
Camera dubla cu balcon |
Camera dubla cu balcon, cu vedere spre lac |
Camera dubla superioara cu balcon |
All inclusive | ||||
04.06-05.06 | 318 lei | 356 lei | 371 lei | 405 lei |
06.06-08.06 | 422 lei | 461 lei | 475 lei | 510 lei |
09.06-12.06 | 398 lei | 437 lei | 452 lei | 486 lei |
13.06-19.06 | 422 lei | 461 lei | 475 lei | 510 lei |
20.06-23.06 | 425 lei | 465 lei | 480 lei | 514 lei |
24.06-29.06 | 549 lei | 589 lei | 604 lei | 638 lei |
30.06-30.06 | 549 lei | 609 lei | 604 lei | 638 lei |
01.07-03.07 | 574 lei | 624 lei | 648 lei | 703 lei |
04.07-08.07 | 559 lei | 607 lei | 632 lei | 685 lei |
09.07-09.07 | 569 lei | 638 lei | 643 lei | 697 lei |
10.07-24.07 | 618 lei | 668 lei | 692 lei | 747 lei |
25.07-30.07 | 618 lei | 677 lei | 692 lei | 747 lei |
31.07-31.07 | 618 lei | 668 lei | 692 lei | 747 lei |
01.08-09.08 | 643 lei | 692 lei | 717 lei | 771 lei |
10.08-13.08 | 618 lei | 668 lei | 692 lei | 747 lei |
14.08-16.08 | 717 lei | 766 lei | 791 lei | 846 lei |
17.08-23.08 | 618 lei | 668 lei | 692 lei | 747 lei |
24.08-28.08 | 569 lei | 618 lei | 643 lei | 697 lei |
29.08-31.08 | 539 lei | 578 lei | 593 lei | 627 lei |
01.09-07.09 | 441 lei | 480 lei | 495 lei | 529 lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 3 nopti si includ cazare pentru 2 persoane in camera dubla, all inclusive, acces la piscina cu sezlong-uri (in limita locurilor disponibile), la locul de joaca pentru copii, la terenurile de sport, internet wireless, jocuri de divertisment, parcare (in limita locurilor disponibile), 50% discount la sezlong-uri pe plaja.
Camerele single se valorifica cu acordul hotelului si se calculeaza din tariful camerei duble minus all inclusive pentru 1 persoana.
Tarife de cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2025 - Oferta Inscrieri timpurii 08.01.2025 | ||||
Perioada | Camera tripla fara balcon |
Camera tripla cu balcon |
Apartament fara balcon cu vedere spre parcare |
Apartament cu balcon |
All inclusive | ||||
04.06-05.06 | 414 lei | 443 lei | 520 lei | 559 lei |
06.06-08.06 | 520 lei | 549 lei | 627 lei | 667 lei |
09.06-12.06 | 496 lei | 525 lei | 603 lei | 641 lei |
13.06-19.06 | 520 lei | 549 lei | 627 lei | 667 lei |
20.06-23.06 | 524 lei | 554 lei | 633 lei | 673 lei |
24.06-30.06 | 648 lei | 678 lei | 758 lei | 798 lei |
01.07-03.07 | 713 lei | 753 lei | 873 lei | 923 lei |
04.07-08.07 | 695 lei | 734 lei | 850 lei | 899 lei |
09.07-09.07 | 707 lei | 747 lei | 865 lei | 915 lei |
10.07-24.07 | 757 lei | 796 lei | 915 lei | 964 lei |
25.07-31.07 | 757 lei | 796 lei | 915 lei | 964 lei |
01.08-09.08 | 781 lei | 821 lei | 940 lei | 989 lei |
10.08-13.08 | 757 lei | 796 lei | 915 lei | 964 lei |
14.08-16.08 | 855 lei | 895 lei | 1014 lei | 1063 lei |
17.08-23.08 | 757 lei | 796 lei | 915 lei | 964 lei |
24.08-28.08 | 707 lei | 747 lei | 865 lei | 915 lei |
29.08-31.08 | 637 lei | 667 lei | 745 lei | 784 lei |
01.09-07.09 | 539 lei | 569 lei | 647 lei | 686 lei |
Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 3 nopti si includ cazare pentru 3 persoane in camera tripla si all inclusive pentru 2 persoane, cazare pentru 4 persoane si all inclusive pentru 2 persoane in apartament, acces la piscina cu sezlong-uri (in limita locurilor disponibile), la locul de joaca pentru copii, la terenurile de sport, internet wireless, jocuri de divertisment, parcare (in limita locurilor disponibile), 50% discount la sezlong-uri pe plaja.
Facilitati copii:
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 0-6.99 ani beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si all inclusive, fara pat suplimentar.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 0-6.99 ani, primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si all inclusive, al 2-lea copil achita pentru pat suplimentar 63 lei/zi si all inclusive 69 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 7-11.99 ani , copilul achita 138 lei/zi pentru all inclusive. Daca se doreste pat suplimentar se achita 63 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 12-17.99 ani, copilul achita 63 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar si 230 lei/zi pentru all inclusive.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-6.99 ani, 1 copil 7-11.99 ani), primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si all incluisve, fara pat suplimentar, al 2-lea copil pentru pat suplimentar 63 lei/zi si 138 lei/zi pentru all inclusive.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-6.99 ani, 1 copil 12-17.99 ani), primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si all incluisve, fara pat suplimentar, al 2-lea copil achita 63 lei/zi pentru pat suplimentar si 230 lei/zi pentru all inclusive.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-6.99 ani, 1 copil 7-11.99 ani), in camera tripla, ambii copii beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare, copilul 7-11.99 ani achita all inclusive 138 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-6.99 ani, 1 copil 12-17.99 ani), in camera tripla, ambii copii beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare, copilul 12-17.99 ani achita all inclusive 230 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 2 copii 0-17.99 ani, in apartament, fiecare copil achita all inclusive conform varstei.
- 3 adulti si 1 copil 0-17.99 ani, in apartament, adultul achita all inclusive 230 lei/zi, copilul achita all inclusive conform varstei.
- 4 adulti, in apartament, al 3-lea si al 4-lea adult achita fiecare all inclusive 230 lei/zi
Capacitate maxima camera dubla: 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-6.99 ani, 1 copil 12-17.99 ani).
Capacitate maxima camera dubla superioara: 2 adulti si 1 copil 0-11.99 ani. Nu se amplaseza pat suplimentar.
Capacitate maxima camera tripla: 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-6.99 ani, 1 copil 12-17.99 ani).
Capacitate maxima apartament: 2 adulti si 2 copii 0-17.99 ani, 3 adulti si 1 copil 0-17.99 ani sau 4 adulti. In apartament nu se pot acomoda 2 adulti sau 2 adulti si 1 copil 0-6.99 ani.
Standard accommodation rates for summer - 2025
Oferta standard se va actualiza in curand.
Book online Tismana Hotel Jupiter
To make a hotel rezervation at Tismana Hotel Jupiter please fill in the form below contact information
Frequent questions for Tismana Hotel Jupiter
- Double room without balcony
- Double room with balcony
- Double room with balcony, lake view
- Superior double room with balcony
- Triple room without balcony
- Triple room with balcony
- Apartment without balcony, parking lot view
- Apartment with balcony
- Double room with balcony
- Double room without balcony
- Double room with balcony, lake view
- Superior double room with balcony
- Triple room with balcony
- Triple room without balcony
We know how important the details and photos of a hotel are in making the decision to book a vacation. That is why we strive to provide you with the most detailed descriptions of the accommodation units that we promote on our website and we rely on our hotel partners to provide correct and relevant information. However, the information presented may undergo further changes depending on the evolutions and activities of the hotels. Therefore, we reserve the right to make the necessary updates whenever the situation requires it.
Jupiter accommodation
Jupiter Hotels - accommodation offers for Jupiter hotels
Location HotelJupiter
northern part of the resort, 250 meters from the beach
Gala Gallaction str
100m-500m fata de plaja