Legacy Hotel Eforie Nord, Early Booking 2025 27% DISCOUNT, Special Offer, Whitsunday Offer

Legacy Hotel Eforie Nord

Foto Hotel Legacy Eforie Nord

Legacy hotel 2** Eforie Nord is located  200 meters away from the central area of the resort, near the railway station and 10 minutes walk away from the beach. Legacy hotel provid ... Continue reading


400 meters from the beach, no 6, Perla Marii street See the map

Description Legacy hotel

Legacy hotel 2** Eforie Nord is located  200 meters away from the central area of the resort, near the railway station and 10 minutes walk away from the beach.
Legacy hotel provides 102 queen bedded double rooms, equipped with minibar, TV, bathroom, shower connected to the sink, without bath tub. Some of the rooms provide balconies with table, chairs and laundry rack. Wireless internet is available both in the shared spaces, as well as the rooms.
Likewise, Legacy hotel provides a kids playground, for the little guests. 
The complex provides meals in buffet system. Those opting for meal packs benefit from free access to the amenities of the complex, such as the pools of Fortuna hotel, as well as the kids playgrounds. 
Legacy hotel provides private parking, subject to extra charge, upon availability.

Hotel facilities

102 queen bedded double rooms
Wireless internet
Access ramp for disabled people
Luggage room
Kids playground
Baby cot - free, on request, upon availability
Private parking- subject to extra charge, upon availability


Room facilities

The double rooms feature a matrimonial bed (160x200), a minibar, lcd tv, wi fi, bathroom with shower (connected to the sink, without a bath tub). Some rooms provide a balcony (with landry rack, chairs and table). Surface 18-20 sqm. An expandable extra bed can be accommodated. 
Repartition of rooms takes place in reception, upon availlability at check in.

Other specificatios

Check-in: 16:00Check-out: 12:00

For this hotel you need to pay a city tax at reception worth 3 lei /adult/day


The breakfast pack offers:
- breakfast in buffet style (includes tea, coffee, water, draught non sparkly soda )
It is served starting with the second day after check in, including the check out day.
The breakfast and lunch pack offers:
- breakfast in buffet style (includes tea, coffee, water, draught non sparkly soda )
- lunch in buffet system, with still/mineral draught water, draught sparkly and non sparkly soft drinks, tea, coffee, draught beer, draught white/red/rose wine.
Breakfast is served starting with the second day after check in and the last meal in the check out day is lunch.
The breakfast and dinner pack offers:
- breakfast in buffet style (includes tea, coffee, water, draught non sparkly soda )
- dinner in buffet system, with still/mineral draught water, draught sparkly and non sparkly soft drinks, tea, coffee, draught beer, draught white/red/rose wine, whiskey, whiskey cream, vodka, gin, cocktail, brandy.
The first meal in the check in day is dinner and the last meal in the check out day is breakfast.
The full board pack offers:
- breakfast in buffet style (includes tea, coffee, water, draught non sparkly soda )
- lunch in buffet system, with still/mineral draught water, draught sparkly and non sparkly soft drinks, tea, coffee, draught beer, draught white/red/rose wine.
- dinner in buffet system, with still/mineral draught water, draught sparkly and non sparkly soft drinks, tea, coffee, draught beer, draught white/red/rose wine, whiskey, whiskey cream, vodka, gin, cocktail, brandy.
The first meal in the check in day is dinner and the last meal in the check out day is lunch.
All meals are served in Fortuna hotel restaurant after the following schedule:
- breakfast: 07.00-10.00
- lunch: 13.00-15.00
- dinner: 18.30.2030
All the drnks included in the packs are served in single use glasses (they are not bottled).
Depending on the number of guests, the meals can be served in a la carte system, with 5 menu choices and open bar, or in account system.
In the check in day, guests receive in reception a bracelet that must be worn at all times in order to have access to the meal plans and facilities. 
Guests purchasing meal packs benefit from free access to Fortuna hotel facilities: Aqua Forty (kids playground with water jets), Forty land (indoor kids playground), Forty Play (outdoor playground for kids between 1-13.99 years old, after the following schesule 09.00-14.00 and 16.00-21.00), Forty games (pool, pool for children, bedminton, ping pong, chess air hockey, foosball- upon availability), Oasis SPA (jacuzzi and dry sauna, lounge area), adults outdoor pool with salty water (access is carried out via card handed over in reception at check in, sun beds are offered upon availability), heated outdoor kids pool, kids entertainment.
At the kids playgrounds and pool, children are granted access only under parent supervision.
At Oasis SPA, the massage, the beauty, relaxation and toning therapies and rituals are subject to extra charge. 

Pets are not allowed.

Legacy Hotel Eforie Nord - 2025 SPECIAL OFFERS

Special Offer: Early Booking 2025 Eforie Nord

Offer expires in days

- pana la 27% DISCOUNT pana la 28.02.2025. Oferta Inscrieri timpurii implica plata unui avans de doar 20% in termen de 3 zile de la efectuarea rezervarii, si a diferentei pana la 28.02.2025. 
Oferta este valabila pentru sejururi de minim 3 nopti, iar discount-ul este deja aplicat. Procentul a fost calculat pentru perioada 16.07-20.07.

Rezervarile efectuate cu Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii nu pot fi modificate sau anulate decat cu pierderea integrala a sumelor achitate in avans. Oferta este valabila in limita disponibilitatii.

Opteaza pentru anulare gratuita cu asigurarea storno. Vezi mai multe detalii

Tarife de cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2025 - Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii 28.02.2025
Perioada Camera dubla fara balcon Camera dubla cu balcon
cazare MD MD+pranz MD+cina PC cazare MD MD+pranz MD+cina PC
31.05-05.06 79 lei 224 lei 422 lei 466 lei 664 lei 90 lei 235 lei 433 lei 477 lei 675 lei
06.06-09.06 83 lei 235 lei 442 lei 488 lei 695 lei 93 lei 244 lei 449 lei 495 lei 700 lei
10.06-13.06 82 lei 233 lei 438 lei 483 lei 689 lei 93 lei 242 lei 445 lei 490 lei 694 lei
14.06-22.06 97 lei 251 lei 459 lei 506 lei 715 lei 115 lei 267 lei 474 lei 520 lei 727 lei
23.06-27.06 118 lei 274 lei 486 lei 533 lei 746 lei 140 lei 295 lei 505 lei 552 lei 763 lei
28.06-03.07 153 lei 309 lei 522 lei 569 lei 781 lei 172 lei 328 lei 540 lei 588 lei 800 lei
04.07-10.07 184 lei 336 lei 543 lei 589 lei 796 lei 209 lei 361 lei 568 lei 614 lei 821 lei
11.07-15.07 211 lei 364 lei 573 lei 619 lei 828 lei 239 lei 392 lei 601 lei 647 lei 856 lei
16.07-20.07 235 lei 386 lei 593 lei 639 lei 846 lei 253 lei 405 lei 612 lei 658 lei 865 lei
21.07-26.08 241 lei 396 lei 609 lei 656 lei 868 lei 260 lei 415 lei 628 lei 675 lei 887 lei
27.08-30.08 189 lei 345 lei 557 lei 604 lei 817 lei 215 lei 371 lei 583 lei 630 lei 843 lei
31.08-08.09 127 lei 278 lei 485 lei 531 lei 738 lei 150 lei 301 lei 508 lei 554 lei 761 lei
09.09-15.09 90 lei 237 lei 439 lei 484 lei 685 lei 101 lei 249 lei 450 lei 495 lei 697 lei

Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 3 nopti si includ cazare in camera dubla pentru 2 persoane si servicii de masa conform tabelului de mai sus.

Servicii masa sub forma de bufet suedez:
Mic dejun - 76 lei/zi/persoana. Bauturi incluse: apa, bauturi racoritoare neacidulate draft, ceai, cafea.
Mic dejun si pranz - 180 lei/zi/persoana. Bauturi incluse: apa plata si carbogazoasa draft, bauturi racoritoare acidulate si neaccidulate draft, ceai, cafea, bere draft, vin alb/rosu/roz draft
Mic dejun si cina - 203 lei/zi/persoana. Bauturi incluse: apa plata si carbogazoasa draft, bauturi racoritoare acidulate si neaccidulate draft, ceai, cafea, bere draft, vin alb/rosu/roz draft, whisky, vodka, coniac, crema de whisky, gin, cocktailuri.
Pensiune completa (mic dejun, pranz si cina) - 307 lei/zi/persoana si bauturi incluse.

Special Offer: Special Offer Eforie Nord

Offer expires in days

Oferta Speciala pentru copii valabila pana la 31.01.2025

- 50% discount
la pensiune completa pentru copii cu varsta de 9-13.99 ani. Discount-ul se aplica doar daca parintii achizitioneaza pachete de cazare si pensiune completa cu Oferta Inscrieri Timpurii 28.02.2025.
Oferta este valabila pana la 31.01.2025. 
Rezervarile efectuate cu Oferta Speciala nu pot fi modificate sau anulate decat cu pierderea integrala a sumelor achitate in avans. Oferta este valabila in limita disponibilitatii. 

Special Offer: Whitsunday Offer Eforie Nord

Offer expires in days

Tarife de cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2025 - Oferta Rusalii
Perioada Camera dubla fara balcon Camera dubla cu balcon
cazare MD MD+pranz MD+cina PC cazare MD MD+pranz MD+cina PC
06.06-09.06 89 lei 239 lei 445 lei 490 lei 695 lei 112 lei 262 lei 467 lei 513 lei 718 lei

Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 3 nopti si includ cazare in camera dubla pentru 2 persoane si servicii de masa conform tabelului de mai sus.

Servicii masa sub forma de bufet suedez:
Mic dejun - 76 lei/zi/persoana. Bauturi incluse: apa, bauturi racoritoare neacidulate draft, ceai, cafea.
Mic dejun si pranz - 180 lei/zi/persoana. Bauturi incluse: apa plata si carbogazoasa draft, bauturi racoritoare acidulate si neaccidulate draft, ceai, cafea, bere draft, vin alb/rosu/roz draft
Mic dejun si cina - 203 lei/zi/persoana. Bauturi incluse: apa plata si carbogazoasa draft, bauturi racoritoare acidulate si neaccidulate draft, ceai, cafea, bere draft, vin alb/rosu/roz draft, whisky, vodka, coniac, crema de whisky, gin, cocktailuri.
Pensiune completa (mic dejun, pranz si cina) - 307 lei/zi/persoana si bauturi incluse.

Standard accommodation rates for summer - 2025

Tarife de cazare si masa pentru sezonul estival 2025
Perioada Camera dubla fara balcon Camera dubla cu balcon
cazare MD MD+pranz MD+cina PC cazare MD MD+pranz MD+cina PC
31.05-05.06 87 lei 235 lei 437 lei 482 lei 683 lei 110 lei 258 lei 459 lei 504 lei 706 lei
06.06-09.06 89 lei 239 lei 445 lei 490 lei 695 lei 112 lei 262 lei 467 lei 513 lei 718 lei
10.06-13.06 90 lei 242 lei 449 lei 495 lei 702 lei 113 lei 265 lei 472 lei 518 lei 725 lei
14.06-22.06 107 lei 260 lei 469 lei 515 lei 724 lei 128 lei 281 lei 490 lei 536 lei 745 lei
23.06-27.06 117 lei 271 lei 482 lei 529 lei 739 lei 140 lei 295 lei 505 lei 552 lei 763 lei
28.06-03.07 189 lei 345 lei 557 lei 604 lei 817 lei 212 lei 368 lei 581 lei 628 lei 840 lei
04.07-10.07 216 lei 372 lei 585 lei 633 lei 846 lei 239 lei 396 lei 609 lei 656 lei 870 lei
11.07-15.07 288 lei 446 lei 662 lei 710 lei 926 lei 312 lei 470 lei 686 lei 734 lei 950 lei
16.07-20.07 323 lei 479 lei 691 lei 739 lei 951 lei 345 lei 500 lei 713 lei 760 lei 972 lei
21.07-26.08 329 lei 487 lei 703 lei 751 lei 967 lei 350 lei 509 lei 725 lei 773 lei 989 lei
27.08-30.08 218 lei 377 lei 593 lei 641 lei 857 lei 242 lei 401 lei 617 lei 665 lei 881 lei
31.08-08.09 142 lei 297 lei 510 lei 557 lei 769 lei 165 lei 321 lei 533 lei 581 lei 793 lei
09.09-15.09 115 lei 267 lei 474 lei 520 lei 727 lei 129 lei 281 lei 488 lei 534 lei 741 lei

Tarifele sunt pe noapte, pentru sejururi de minim 3 nopti si includ cazare in camera dubla pentru 2 persoane si servicii de masa conform tabelului de mai sus.

Servicii masa sub forma de bufet suedez:
Mic dejun - 76 lei/zi/persoana. Bauturi incluse: apa, bauturi racoritoare neacidulate draft, ceai, cafea.
Mic dejun si pranz - 180 lei/zi/persoana. Bauturi incluse: apa plata si carbogazoasa draft, bauturi racoritoare acidulate si neaccidulate draft, ceai, cafea, bere draft, vin alb/rosu/roz draft
Mic dejun si cina - 203 lei/zi/persoana. Bauturi incluse: apa plata si carbogazoasa draft, bauturi racoritoare acidulate si neaccidulate draft, ceai, cafea, bere draft, vin alb/rosu/roz draft, whisky, vodka, coniac, crema de whisky, gin, cocktailuri.
Pensiune completa (mic dejun, pranz si cina) - 307 lei/zi/persoana si bauturi incluse.

Facilitati copii:
- 2 adulti si 1 sau 2 copii 0-3.99 ani beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare si masa. Se beneficiaza de patut gratuit, in limita disponibilitatii.
- 2 adulti si 1 sau 2 copii 4-8.99 ani beneficiaza de gratuitata la cazare, fara pat suplimentar si achita servicii de masa dupa cum urmeaza: mic dejun 38 lei/zi, mic dejun si pranz 90 lei/zi, mic dejun si cina - 101 lei/zi, pensiune completa 153 lei/zi . Daca se solicita pat suplimentar se achita 46 lei/zi.
- 2 adulti si 1 copil 9-13.99 ani, copilul achita pentru pat suplimentar 46 lei/zi si mic dejun 76 lei/zi, mic dejun si pranz 180 lei/zi, mic dejun si cina - 203 lei/zi, pensiune completa 307 lei/zi .
- 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 4-8.99 ani, 1 copil 9-13.99 ani), primul copil beneficiaza de gratuitate la cazare, fara pat suplimentar si achita servicii de masa dupa cum urmeaza: mic dejun 38 lei/zi, mic dejun si pranz 90 lei/zi, mic dejun si cina - 101 lei/zi, pensiune completa 153 lei/zi , al 2-lea copil achita pentru pat suplimentar 46 lei/zi si mic dejun 76 lei/zi, mic dejun si pranz 180 lei/zi, mic dejun si cina - 203 lei/zi, pensiune completa 307 lei/zi .
Capacitate maxima camera dubla: 2 adulti si 2 copii 0-8.99 ani sau 2 adulti si 2 copii (1 copil 0-8.99 ani, 1 copil 9-13.99 ani).

Book online Legacy hotel Eforie Nord

To make a hotel rezervation at Legacy hotel Eforie Nord please fill in the form below contact information

Personal data

Accommodation period

Number of rooms and persons

Children ages

Other specificatios

By pressing this button you agree to: Terms of use & Tourists Contract

Frequent questions for Legacy Hotel Eforie Nord

The following types of rooms are available for this hotel :
- Double room without balcony
- Double room with balcony
- Double room without balcony
- Double room with balcony
Reservations made at this hotel can be paid in cash according to the specifications on the invoice, by bank transfer in the agency's accounts, online with the card or with holiday vouchers (holiday vouchers).
No, the hotel does not have its own restaurant.
At this hotel the tourists can stay starting with the hour 16:00 , and the maximum check-out time is 12:00
Guests staying at Legacy Hotel can benefit from the following facilities
Yes, you can pay with both vouchers and a holiday card.
Why to choose Legacy Hotel Eforie Nord ? Find out what other customers have said. Legacy Hotel from Eforie Nord has the grade of 8.6 out of 55 reviews.
Most recent reservation at Legacy Hotel: 22.01.2025 at 23:26

We know how important the details and photos of a hotel are in making the decision to book a vacation. That is why we strive to provide you with the most detailed descriptions of the accommodation units that we promote on our website and we rely on our hotel partners to provide correct and relevant information. However, the information presented may undergo further changes depending on the evolutions and activities of the hotels. Therefore, we reserve the right to make the necessary updates whenever the situation requires it.

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Sorry, reservations for more than 30 days are not possible.
Children's ages:

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Hotel Legacy Eforie Nord


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